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    20 May 2010, Volume 42 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The conception of Applied Linguistics: Its origin, changes and development
    GUI Shichun
    2010, 42 (3):  163-169. 
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    This paper traces the origin, changes and development of the conception of Applied Linguistics from a historical perspective, from the division between macro and micro Applied Linguistics to that between the subfields and supporting disciplines, and finally to the broadening of the scope of applied linguistic research, leading to three different approaches to it developed by G. Brown, H. Widdowson and M.A.K. Halliday. Second Language Acquisition then emerged as its sister discipline.

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    On the development of foreign language studies in China: Constraints and strategies
    DAI Weidong, WU Fei
    2010, 42 (3):  170-175. 
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    After analyzing the current conditions of and constraints on the development of foreign language studies in higher education,the authors of this paper propose ten strategies for the development of this discipline in this new era,which include making a medium-and long-term plan of its development,establishing the academic norms of this discipline,setting up a certification system for foreign languages teachers,making macro-level readjustment of the discipline through academic assessment,strengthening the studies of less-widely used foreign languages,increasing output of original research,finding gaps for development breakthroughs by integrating foreign language studies with Chinese studies,and striving for greater room for development by proactively docking foreign language studies with the national development strategy.

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    Transforming the English curriculum for humanistic education——A report on the reform at Department of English, BFSU
    JIN Limin
    2010, 42 (3):  176-183. 
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    This paper reports on the philosophy,measures and initial results of the English curriculum reform that has been going on at Beijing Foreign Studies University over the past few years.The reform is based on reflections over the confusion and survival crisis that English departments have experienced following the rapid development of double subjects such as English and journalism,English and law,English and international relations and English and international business in foreign studies universities and the doubts students have about the emphasis on language skills training.The reform aims at creating a curriculum that reflects the humanistic tradition of English language education,integrates subject studies with the training of language skills,and provides a flexible course selection system to cater for different individual needs.

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    Contemporary language evolution as reflected in retronyms
    ZHANG Jianli, SHAO Bin
    2010, 42 (3):  184-189. 
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    A retronym is a special compounding construction in the form of a noun with an unnecessary modifier, as in "paper book".It provides new evidence for language evolution,especially lexical semantic change. This paper explores the origin and compositions of the construction and, by focusing on prototype shift and split, makes an in-depth analysis of the complex interactions between the world, cognition and language. Our research shows: (1) as natural objects do not change abruptly, their categories tend to remain stable; (2) retronymy usually occurs in artificial object categories and it does so during the process of prototype shift; (3) the sub-categorization in relation to retronymy indicates an expansion of the whole category in question; (4) after a prototype shift in a category with its subcategories well rearranged and understood,a new prototype stability is reached and the retronymy dissolves; (5) therefore,diachronically,retronymy,which occurs only in a prototype shift, is not a permanent trait; and (6) retronymy provides a new window onto the fast development of modern science and technology and the evolution of human civilization.

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    Information unit and information state——A tentative inquiry into the binary division and three-way breakdown of information
    REN Shaozeng
    2010, 42 (3):  190-197. 
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    To the question how discourse proceeds,Halliday's(1994)reply is that English speech progresses as an unbroken succession of melodic units called tone groups and each tone group realizes one unit of information,which consists of given information and new information.What Halliday calls an information unit Chafe refers to as a focus of consciousness.According to Chafe it is impossible to understand the distinction between given and new information without taking consciousness into consideration.On the basis of activation cost of concepts Chafe comes up with a three-way breakdown into given,accessible and new information in place of the binary distinction of given and new.This paper looks into the justifications of the two types of division of information,brings out their differences and suggests a way to reconcile the three-way breakdown with the binary distinction.

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    Combining corpus studies with critical discourse analysis
    QIAN Yufang
    2010, 42 (3):  198-202. 
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    Corpus technology can remedy the drawbacks of intuition-based deduction and provide a bottom-up approach to discourse analysis.The textual information gained through corpus search such as frequency,keywords,collocation,clusters and patterns,helps researchers to explore discourses.This paper discusses the combination of corpus techniques and CDA methods.The Sun is chosen as an example to see how discourses around bin Laden are filtered for the sake of a wide range of reasons including national interest,the purpose of the owner of the press,audience targeting and other historical,political and social factors.

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    A semantics-syntax interface study of SoA qualification—&mdash|Based on cognitive intersubjectivity
    ZHANG Yan
    2010, 42 (3):  203-210. 
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    By studying the typological features of the qualification of states of affairs(SoA)in English and Chinese,this paper discovers that Chinese topic-raising sentences realize "performative qualification of SoA".The syntactic behaviors of Chinese topic-raising sentences are motivated by the intersubjectivity semantics.based on the interaction and coordination between different conceptualizers,the speaker invites the audience to accept his way of evaluating a state of affairs.The topic-raising syntax is also found to be related to discourse functions.The findings in this paper provide proof that Chinese syntactic types are related to the prominence of intersubjectivity semantics,and that the process from conceptualization to linguistic forms is dynamic.

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    On translating alien sources: Its patterns and cognition
    HE Yuanjian
    2010, 42 (3):  211-219. 
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    It is a long-standing issue in translation as to how to understand the transfer of indigenous concepts from source to target. Being source-bound, these concepts do not have ready interpretations in the target system and therefore are foreign or alien to the target community. This paper approaches the issue from a cognitive perspective. 499 examples are retrieved from English-Chinese and Chinese-English parallel corpora and are examined for how they are actually translated. The resulting patterns show that while trans-coding is the dominating strategy for sensitive texts, a more flexible pattern including paraphrasing, substitution and deletion is observed for fictional texts. From the cognitive perspective, such outcomes are not so much ad hoc, piece-meal or random as one might think, but rather are determined by the constraints on how the cognitive systems (of the translator) may process bilingual data.

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    A survey of the English translations of Shen Congwen's novellas and short stories
    XU Minhui
    2010, 42 (3):  220-225. 
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    As a great writer in modern Chinese literature, Shen Congwen has been widely translated. Focusing on the English translations of his novellas and short stories, this study has discovered that there exist 70 English translations of his 44 stories. These translations, done by 29 translators, are published mainly in three channels: English journals, anthologies of Shen's translated works, and English anthologies of Chinese literature. These translated works have offered a new perspective and platform for translation studies, for Shen Congwen studies, and for studies of the spread and reception of modern Chinese literature in the English world.

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    Some questions on children’s English word decoding ability and its measuring methods
    CHENG Xiaotang
    2010, 42 (3):  226-228. 
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    Word recognition and decoding by children learning to read in English: Conceptualization and measurement
    TAO Sha, PENG Peng
    2010, 42 (3):  229-231. 
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    M.A.K. Halliday: Complementarities in Language (2008)
    LI Li
    2010, 42 (3):  232-235. 
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    E. Semino &|M. Short: Corpus Stylistics: Speech, Writing and Thought Presentation in a Corpus of English Writing (2004)
    LIU Jing, HUANG Libo
    2010, 42 (3):  236-239. 
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