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    20 July 2010, Volume 42 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The syntax of negative inversion constructions in English
    HAN Jingquan
    2010, 42 (4):  243-242. 
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    This paper proposes an account of the syntax of negative inversion constructions in English, as illustrated in sentences like "Nothing could they do to save her". The preposed negative constituent, always accompanied by subject-auxiliary inversion, turns a positive clause into a negative one and has an impact on the entire clausal domain. It is proposed that the preposed negative constituent targets the specifier of FocP and the auxiliary moves to Foc. The head Foc constituent of FocP carries an uninterpretable focus feature which has to be deleted in the course of the derivation via agreement between the specifier and the head. Central to my analysis is the assumption that no specifier can agree with an empty head position and subject-auxiliary inversion is triggered when there is no head to agree with. Given that the head Foc position in negative inversion structures is unfilled, an auxiliary is moved to Foc in order to provide a head for the specifier to enter into the agreement relationship.

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    A study on the VP-ellipsis under the framework of the Minimalist Syntax
    FU Yu
    2010, 42 (4):  253-260. 
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    Under the framework of the Minimalist Syntax, this paper starts from categorizing the types of VP ellipses and analyzes the syntactic status of shi (是) in Mandarin Chinese. This paper argues that there exist two types of shi in Mandarin Chinese — copula shi and dummy auxiliary shi. The dummy auxiliary shi normally appears in coordinate context and is located in CFocus, licensing the topic focus in its specifier position. In addition, on the basis of "derivation by phase" theory and the "deletion approach", this paper proposes the "Parallelism Condition" to account for the different syntactic properties of VP ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese and English. Finally, this paper makes an extended study on gapping and pseudogapping in an attempt to account for their syntactic properties in Mandarin Chinese and English under a unified theoretical framework.

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    A systemic functional analysis of "John is easy/eager to please"
    HUANG Guowen
    2010, 42 (4):  261-267. 
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    The pair of sentences of "John is easy to please" and "John is eager to please" has attracted the attention of many grammarians since they were first cited by Chomsky in the 1950s. The literature to date indicates that the discussions of the pair have mainly been conducted within the framework of generative grammar. This paper looks at the pair within the framework of Halliday's systemic functional grammar. It illustrates the differences between the two by taking a metafunctional approach to the examination of the meanings realized by the expressions. It shows that the two sentences are similar only in form and that, like the Chomskyan approach, the Hallidayan approach is able to explain the differences between these two sentences.

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    A corpus-based and typological approach to RAP constraints on English and Chinese resultative constructions
    LUO Siming, WANG Wenbin & HONG Ming
    2010, 42 (4):  268-274. 
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    This paper is a corpus-based and typological investigation into the RAP constraints on English and Chinese resultative constructions within the framework of cognitive-functional theories. It finds that there are some similarities and differences in RAP constraints between English and Chinese resultative constructions: both English and Chinese Control resultative constructions can take open-scale adjectives, while Chinese subject-oriented ECM resultative constructions are selective in taking open-scale adjectives and their object-oriented ones are rare in taking open-scale adjectives; all English and Chinese resultative constructions are open to maximum end-point closed-scale adjectives and nongradable adjective. The paper also shows that all kinds of Chinese resultative constructions are open to maximum end-point closed-scale adjectives while their English counterparts are selective in this aspect; that RAP takes a monosyllabic preference; that English and Chinese belong to the same type of language in terms of RAP selection; that English and Chinese resultative constructions mainly differ in selecting minimum end-point closed-scale adjectives and open-scale adjectives, and in the semantic preference of RAP and the asymmetry in Verb-Adjective combination. The paper argues that the above similarities and difference result from the negotiation of adjective prototypicality, language typology and construal.

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    Reflections on some issues in foreign language teaching in China
    GUI Shichun
    2010, 42 (4):  275-281. 
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    The issues this paper focuses on are: (1) Treating applied linguistics as an academic discipline in its own right by setting up more centres in higher-education institutions, making more scientific decisions, and popularizing the discipline; (2) Reconsidering language policy and planning in terms of globalization and language teaching; (3) Emphasizing on the cognitive basis of language teaching; (4) Focusing on the process of foreign language teaching in terms of ultimate attainment, language input, language transfer and fossilization; (5) Rethinking foreign language teaching in the light of the relationship between form and meaning, teaching of grammar, and formulaic language.

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    A study on Chinese and English semantic representations by means of ERP technology
    WANG Pei, CAI Liping
    2010, 42 (4):  282-288. 
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    is study approaches the relationship between Chinese and English semantic representations by means of ERP (Event-Related Potentials) technology with Chinese college students at different English (L2) levels as subjects. Comparisons are made for amplitudes and latencies of N400 elicited by semantically congruous and incongruous sentences, in conditions of three different complicated kinds of English sentence patterns and their Chinese counterparts, with the factor of working memory ability taken into consideration. The results show that for the CET-4 group there are significant differences between the English "Wh" special questions and their Chinese counterparts' N400 effects, whereas no difference is found with regard to the other two sentence types; and for the TEM8 group no difference is found in any of the three sentence patterns. This suggests that the relationship between two languages' semantic representations depends on the students' proficiency of the second language, and the sentence syntax complexity could also be a factor for lower proficient subjects.

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    A sketch of rhe first decvelopment decade of the NRCFLE
    National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education (NRCFLE), BFSU
    2010, 42 (4):  289-290. 
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    The status of the English language and English education in China revisited
    CHEN Guohua
    2010, 42 (4):  291-293. 
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    Teachers holding the key to improving ELT efficiency in TEFL context
    ZHOU Yan
    2010, 42 (4):  294-296. 
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    Interactive alignment and foreign language teaching
    WANG Chuming
    2010, 42 (4):  297-299. 
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    Reflections on English education at schools in China
    HAN Baocheng
    2010, 42 (4):  300-302. 
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    Thoughts on restructuring the core curriculum for the English major
    SUN Youzhong, JIN Limin
    2010, 42 (4):  303-305. 
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    Reflections on the reorientation of English language teaching in higher education
    CAI Jigang
    2010, 42 (4):  306-308. 
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    On the positioning of English as a major and a discipline
    ZHANG Chong
    2010, 42 (4):  309-311. 
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    Two modes of developing innovative English talent
    HUANG Zhending
    2010, 42 (4):  312-313. 
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    A. Bergs &|G. Diewald (eds.): Constructions and Language Change (2008)
    LIU Yumei
    2010, 42 (4):  314-316. 
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    Alexander Bergs & Gabriele Diewald (eds.). 2008. Constructions and Language Change. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 271pp.

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    P. Robinson &|N. Ellis (eds.): Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition (2008)
    LUO Yaohua, LIU Yun, FAN Chengcheng
    2010, 42 (4):  317-319. 
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    Peter Robinson & Nick Ellis (eds.). 2008. Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. London: Routledge. x+566 pp.

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