外语教学与研究 ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 364-374.

• 语言研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 475001 河南省开封市 河南大学外语学院
  • 出版日期:2014-05-20 发布日期:2014-03-25
  • 基金资助:


The origination, germination, and construction of a metaphorical expression

XU Shenghuan   

  1. School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China
  • Online:2014-05-20 Published:2014-03-25


隐喻活动是心智活动。语言主体觉知到一个现实的或想象中的事物与本体有同一性,用以作譬,这就可以引起隐喻,成为隐喻的起因。隐喻的发生要涉及主体另一心智过程:隐喻是在对本体和拟议中喻体的认识过程中,在遗传的秩序感的引领下,通过心智里心物同构的作用发生的。隐喻的建构体现为本体的意象在心智里转换为拟议中的喻体的意象,形成“(显性或隐性的)本体 + 喻体”的隐喻结构;本体转换为喻体就是从对本体的感觉转换为对本体的心理感受,从感觉发展为感受的过程就是意识活动从最初意识发展为反思意识的过程,这个过程要经历一次格式塔转换。喻体的意象在心智确定后用语言符号加以描写,得出一个“(显性或隐性的)本体 + 喻体”的隐喻表达式,这个隐喻就生成了。对隐喻生成全过程的考察揭示了隐喻所蕴含的语言创造性和意义表达所运用的机制。

关键词: 心物同构, 隐喻, 同一性, 格式塔转换


For a metaphorical expression to come into shape, a whole process of origination, germination, construction, and generation will be involoved. The origination comes from the identity shared between the related things and events involved, the perception of which by the subject brings about the analogy between them. The germination takes place in the mind of the subject where he recognizes the tenor and the proposed vehicle through the impact of psycho-physical isomorphism in the mind. Its construction is realized through the Gestalt transformation from the image of the tenor to that of the vehicle, and the transformation is actually, in terms of consciousness, a process of the transformation from the subject's perception of the tenor to that of the feeling about it. This is also a process of the transformation from his primary consciousness about it to the reflective consciousness. As the image of the vehicle is finally confirmed in the subject's mind, a metaphorical expression is established with the image depicted in linguistic symbols in the form of ‘(explicit or implicit) tenor + vehicle’. The investigation of the whole process helps to understand the mechanism of language in its creativity and its application.