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    20 September 2010, Volume 42 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Restrictive and non-restrictive attributives
    SHI Dingxu
    2010, 42 (5):  323-328. 
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    It is a common assumption in the literature on Chinese syntax that Chinese attributives could be classified into restrictive vs. descriptive ones,restrictive vs. non-restrictive ones,or appositive vs. restrictive ones. It is argued in this paper that a nominal compound or a complex nominal phrase in Chinese always denotes a subset of the set represented by the head nominal. The attributive in Chinese is always restrictive.

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    A topical analysis of surface unaccusative structures
    MEI Deming & HAN Weifeng
    2010, 42 (5):  329-337. 
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    This paper examines three Surface Unaccusative Structures,i.e. passive structure,existential structure and unergative verbal structure. It proposes that the NP in the subject position be analyzed as base-generated Topic,which governs and commands the retained object position and assigns genitive case to its specifier. The whole process of generation involves no movement. The theory has a stronger explanatory force since it conforms to the cognitive rules.

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    The internationalization of foreign language education in the Republic of Korea
    ZHANG Zhen’ai & WANG Kefei
    2010, 42 (5):  345-349. 
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    The findings from this paper show that the outstanding feature of foreign language education in South Korea manifests itself as the internationalization strategy in education concept,curriculum,cooperation and talents training. On the one hand,the strategy promotes the socioeconomic development in Korea and boosts its competitiveness in the world; on the other hand,the socioeconomic development in turn stimulates the peoples' need for English and spurs the government to increase input to enhance foreign language education.

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    A comparative study of critical thinking skills between English and other liberal arts majors
    WEN Qiufang, WANG Haimei, WANG Jianqing, ZHAO Cairan & LIU Yanping
    2010, 42 (5):  350-355. 
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    The paper reports a comparative study of critical thinking skills between English majors and other liberal arts majors in China for the purpose of testifying whether the English majors are inferior to the other liberal arts majors in critical thinking abilities. 2189 first-year,second-year and third-year students from 11 universities and 14 specialties participated in the study where all the participants were required to take a critical thinking test. In the data analysis,three comparisons were made to find out the overall difference between the two groups of students,the difference between the two groups by grade and the patterns of difference across the three grades between the two groups. It was found that generally the critical thinking abilities of the first group are significantly better than the second one,but the gap diminishes with the increase of grade. Both groups were shown significant progress across the grades,but the progress of the first group is slower,compared with the second group whose critical period was between the 2nd and 3rd year.

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    A corpus-based study of middle school English teachers' classroom discourse markers
    ZHANG Huiping & LIU Yongbing
    2010, 42 (5):  356-363. 
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    Discourse markers in foreign language teachers' discourses as interlanguages play a decisive role in making a high quality class. The current corpus-based research Chi-square tested the frequency of discourse markers used in two parallel corpora,and contrastively analyzed the reasons in terms of the significant differences. The results show that more than half of the discourse markers used by Chinese middle school English teachers are normal-used,about one third low-used,and nearly one tenth over-used,which indicates a significant difference between Chinese and foreign teachers in terms of the flexibility,correctness and appropriateness of discourse markers. The current research provides a reference for self correction,which facilitates them in finding the deficiency in oral expression,and enlightens the professional development of English teacher.

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    Information about the grammatical collocations of verbs in English learner's dictionaries
    CHEN Guohua
    2010, 42 (5):  364-373. 
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    Detailed grammatical information is an important design feature that distinguishes English learner's dictionaries from general English dictionaries. After comparing the grammatical information about verbs provided in the newest editions of six major English learner's dictionaries and on the basis of an improved grammatical system proposed by the present author,this article defines verbs in both a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense,verbs comprise grammatical auxiliary verbs,modal auxiliary verbs,catenative verbs and lexical verbs that include phrasal verbs; in a narrow sense,verbs consist only of lexical ones. In this article lexical verbs are classified into six sub-categories,i.e. intransitive (including existential) verbs,transitive verbs,transitive/intransitive verbs,ditransitive verbs,linking verbs,and object complement verbs. It is these six sub-categories that determine the construction of kernel clauses. The grammatical collocations of these six verb types are given at the end of the article.

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    Cognitive semantics and multidimensional definition for a new generation of bilingual/bilingualized learner's dictionaries
    ZHANG Yihua
    2010, 42 (5):  374-379. 
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    The main-stream English leaner's dictionaries are all imported from England,their design and compilation are mainly based on the cognitive thinking of Western people,and define words by separating their language system into different parts in light of conventional linguistics,and take grammar-centered approach to lexicographical data organization,which can hardly meet Chinese users' needs in their second language acquisition. The present paper,drawing on cognitive semantics and on the basis of the analysis of the main deficiencies in existing "Big-Five Dictionaries" ,attempts to set forth the multidimensional definition for a new generation of bilingual/bilingualized learner's dictionaries from the aspects of country-specific orientation,as well as encyclopedicity,multidimensionality and holisticity in linguistic cognition,and builds a lexical-semantic network in dictionaries through lexicographical definition. This would provide users with sufficient comprehensible input and improve the efficiency in their language acquisition.

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    A validity study of the word class system in modern Chinese as seen from the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (5th edition)
    WANG Renqiang
    2010, 42 (5):  380-386. 
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    The 5th edition of The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (CCD5 for short) published in 2005 labeled all the lexemes with word class information based on the distinction between modern Chinese words and non-words,which is a milestone in the history of CCD and is also of great significance in the standardization of modern Chinese vocabulary. This paper is intended to make a validity study of the word class system in four dimensions as seen from CCD5 from the perspectives of Cognitive Linguistics,language typology,cognitive psychology,Usage-Based Theory and lexicography. It is found that the word class system adopted in CCD5 is basically justifiable in terms of the number of word classes and its internal structure,and that most of the word classes have been accurately defined,which can ensure accurate labeling of the prototypical members of specific classes and of the prototypical parts-of-speech of individual lexemes. Nevertheless,the word class system adopted in CCD5 has certain flaws,which reflects the deficiencies in Modern Chinese grammar studies. It is thus suggested that the establishment of the word class system in modern Chinese should stick to the basic definition as grammatical categories,and that the definitions of various word classes (especially the major classes of NOUN,VERB and ADJECTIVE) in the dictionary should include at least explanations of their unmarked grammatical functions so as to ensure standard procedures of word class identification and final valid results,and to help users to have a correct understanding of the word class system of modern Chinese. Modern Chinese grammar studies should refrain not only from taking the so-called "Indo-European perspective" but also from "considering the Chinese language alone without referring to other languages".

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    The birth of Chinese-English dictionaries and their initial design features
    YANG Huiling
    2010, 42 (5):  387-393. 
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    The Chinese-English dictionaries compiled by amateurs such as Christian missionaries or embassy staff in China during 19th century have been overlooked or underplayed in China academic circles. However,if we take a fresh approach by reviewing these dictionaries in their historical background,by applying the principles of lexicography,we will reach a more balanced view on these historical bilingual Chinese-English Dictionaries and the role played by the amateurs. This paper adopts this approach to reach a more objective evaluation,by reviewing the history and the birth of Chinese-English Dictionaries,and finding out their major design features.

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    D. Bousefield: Impoliteness in Interaction (2008)
    YANG Chaojun
    2010, 42 (5):  394-396. 
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    Derek Bousefield. 2008. Impoliteness in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ix+281pp.

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    B. Tomlinson (ed.): English Language Learning Materials: A Critical Review (2008)
    HUA Weifen
    2010, 42 (5):  397-399. 
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    Brian Tomlinson (ed.). 2008. English Language Learning Materials: A Critical Review. London: Continuum.

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