外语教学与研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 582-593.

• 翻译研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐翠 李德超   

  1. 北京理工大学(徐), 香港理工大学(李)
  • 出版日期:2021-07-20 发布日期:2021-07-12

A corpus-based comparative study of prefabricated chunks used by professional interpreters in simultaneous interpreting

XU Cui1 & LI Dechao2   

  1. 1 School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China, 2 Dept. of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
  • Online:2021-07-20 Published:2021-07-12

摘要: 本文基于自建同传平行语料库,借鉴 Toury(2012)提出的“对比项”概念以及 Biber et al.(2004)对语块的结构分类,遵循语料库语言学及描写翻译学的研究范式,从目标语出发描述同传译员口译过程中四词语块的使用类型及特征。研究发现:1)同传译员口译产出的四词语块类型中,名词短语/介词短语片段类使用频率最高,其次是动词短语片段类和独立分句片段类;2)同传译员在口译过程中往往通过对应、增添和替换这三种处理模式灵活运用四词语块,其中,对应的处理策略占比最高;3)不同结构类型的语块处理模式也不尽相同,名词短语/介词短语片段类绝大部分采用对应的处理策略,而动词短语片段类和独立分句片段类,除对应策略外,也倾向于采用增添和替换。本研究可为中国语境下的同传教学和实践提供一定的借鉴。

关键词: 预制语块, 同声传译, 平行语料库, 特征

Abstract: Based on a self-built parallel corpus of simultaneous interpreting, this study, starting from the perspective of target language, attempts to describe the use of 4-word chunks within the concept of “coupled pairs” proposed by Toury (2012) and the structural classification of chunks by Biber et al. (2004). Our study finds that: 1) Of the 4-word chunks produced by simultaneous interpreters, noun and prepositional phrase fragments (NP/PP) account for the largest proportion, followed by verb phrase fragments (VP) and dependent clause segments (DC); 2) Simultaneous interpreters resort to correspondence, addition and substitution to cope with 4-word chunks, with correspondence being the primary pattern; and 3) The patterns for 4-word chunks of different structures also vary. While NP/PP rely mostly on correspondence, VP and DC also opt for addition and substitution, in addition to correspondence. It is expected that the findings can shed light on future training of simultaneous interpreters in Chinese context.


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