外语教学与研究 ›› 2010, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 104-108.

• 语言学 • 上一篇    下一篇

转喻与语境:“What’s X doing Y?”构式转喻思维的限制性因素

陈香兰, 申丹   

  1. 100029 北京市 对外经济贸易大学英语学院(陈) 100871 北京市 北京大学外国语学院(申)
  • 出版日期:2010-03-20 发布日期:2010-02-25
  • 基金资助:


Metonymy and situation: Contextual constraints on metonymic thinking of "What’s X doing Y?"|construction

CHENG Xianglan, SHEN Dan   

  • Online:2010-03-20 Published:2010-02-25


本文从认知语用角度,考察具体说话语境对"What’s X doing Y?"构式转喻思维的影响和制约作用。第一,探讨该构式规约地存在转喻思维的语境条件,指出该构式在不知而问的语境下不存在转喻;只有在明知故问,话语目的不是询问信息的语境下才存在转喻。第二,探讨该构式转喻思维两域操作和多域操作的语境条件,指出即使说话人用该构式来转喻性地表示不满或担忧,但若只是出于担心或惊讶而发出的自言自语,该构式的转喻操作仅为两域操作,只有在间接请求身边的人去阻止构式所涉及的行为的条件下,该构式才为多域操作。第三,探讨"doing"在不同语境中的功能变化。第四,考察具体说话语境与规约性语境的区别。

关键词: What’s X doing Y?, 转喻思维, 语境限制, 规约性语境


aking a cognitive-pragmatic approach, this paper focuses on the contextual constraints on the metonymic thinking of "What’s X doing Y?" construction. First, we explore the conditions for the conventional metonymic thinking of "What’s X doing Y?" construction. It is argued that the construction involves no metonymic thinking in cases where the speaker only wants to get information. Secondly, we discuss under what circumstances the metonymic thinking of the construction will involve either two domains or three domains. Even if the speaker uses the construction to show metonymically his dissatisfaction, so long as the speaker only talks to himself or just speaks out of surprise, then the metonymic thinking will only involve two domains. If the speaker indirectly asks the person beside him to stop the action as expressed by the construction, then the metonymy in the construction will involve three domains. Thirdly, we discuss the different functions of the verb "doing" in different contexts. Finally, we draw attention to the difference between specific conversational context and conventional context.


  • H030