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    20 January 2010, Volume 42 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    About teaching of English literature——A lecture by late Professor Wang Zuoliang
    WANG Zuoliang
    2010, 42 (1):  3-8. 
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    A comparative study of word association patterns in Chinese EFL learners' mental lexicon
    ZHANG Ping
    2010, 42 (1):  9-16. 
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    This study investigates the patterns of word associations in both L1 and L2-English mental lexicons of Chinese learners of English and the L1 mental lexicon of native English speakers via carefully designed word association tasks.It reveals that all L1 mental lexicons are semantically organized whereas the L2-English mental lexicon of the Chinese is a mixture of relatively more semantic associations and a considerable proportion of non-semantically-related associations.With the increase of language proficiency,L2 word associations develop with asymmetrical strength and asynchronous pace for paradigmatic and syntagmatic knowledge,which is quite different from that of L1.

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    A study of the "subject filled-gap effect"|among Chinese learners of English
    CAO Yongheng
    2010, 42 (1):  17-23. 
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    In recent years,second language sentence gap processing has attracted more attention in second language acquisition research.The present study investigates the psychological reality of "subject filled-gap effect" during the online reading of sentences that contain "subject filled gap" by two groups of Chinese learners of English and one group of native speakers of English.The results show that the high proficiency group of L2 learners behaved in a similar way as the native speaker group in that both groups adopted the syntactic-gap driven processing strategy and experienced the "subject filled-gap effect";the low proficiency group of L2 learners applied the lexical-semantic driven processing strategy without demonstrating the "subject filled-gap effect".It can be concluded from the results that the L2 learners' parsing mechanism develops towards that of the native speakers of English as their proficiency improves.

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    Foreign language education policy and system in France: A critical survey
    DAI Dongmei
    2010, 42 (1):  24-30. 
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    Foreign language education has gradually attracted attention and become widespread in France along with globalization.The French concept of diversifying foreign language options and requiring secondary school students to learn at least two foreign languages have been adopted into the EU language policies.In practice,however,the foreign language teaching in France has yielded mediocre results at best,resulting in her even being labeled as a "bad pupil" in the EU.This article looks into France's foreign language education policy and system from diverse angles,including legislation,educational system,teaching staff resources and teacher development,etc.,concluding that globalization,economic development and technology advancements are the major factors shaping the foreign language education landscape in France.

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    Principles,approaches and methods of foreign language education in Mexican schools
    ZHENG Shujiu
    2010, 42 (1):  31-36. 
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    Mexico's foreign language syllabus for elementary education emphasizes "social practice of language",which aims to motivate students to take part in various social activities effectively,both on campus and off campus ones,via the foreign languages they learn.Learning is considered a constructive process in which students are active creators of knowledge.Teachers as experienced users of a foreign language are responsible for creating opportunities for the students to access and use language and for guiding them in the process.There is a strong correlation between the quality of teaching materials and the teaching methods adopted.Teaching materials should be realistic and practical,with a clear purpose,and embody truly useful language patterns.

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    The semantics of bare NPs in English and Mandarin Chinese
    WEN Weiping
    2010, 42 (1):  37-43. 
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    The issue of bare NPs in English starts from Carlson(1977).Since the 1990's syntactic and semantic parameters have been proposed to account for the cross-linguistic variation of bare NPs.This article mainly examines the semantics of bare NPs in English and Mandarin Chinese,arguing that Chierchia's nominal mapping parameter per se cannot account for the similarities and differences between the bare NPs in English and Chinese.Type-shifting theory gives a unified explanation,with type-shifting operators ∩ and $ uniformly accounting for the genericity and existenality of English and Chinese bare NPs,and the type-shifting operators ι and $ accounting for the semantic variation of the two languages.Type-shifting theory adheres to Freg's principle of composionality and reveals some of the underlying principles of human languages.

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    A study on topicalization and left dislocation in the Beijing dialect and its typological implications
    LIU Linjun, GAO Yuan
    2010, 42 (1):  44-51. 
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    This paper presents a corpus study of two topic-comment constructions,namely topicalization(TOP) and left-dislocation(LD) in the Beijing dialect.The study finds that TOP not only occurs more frequently than LD in the corpus,but also has a more diverse role to fulfill in discourse.When put against the background of other languages in the world,TOP in Mandarin,a topic-prominent language,is not simply pragmatically motivated as in English,a subject-prominent language,and its extensive distribution across the board of different linguistic constructions attests to its syntactic significance.

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    In pursuit of the "third code": A study of translation universals based on the ZCTC corpus of translational Chinese
    Richard XIAO, DAI Guangrong
    2010, 42 (1):  52-58. 
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    As a language variant translational language is distinct from both the source and target native languages,and is hence referred to as the "third code" in Frawley(1984).This article explores the potential lexical and syntactical features of translational Chinese on the basis of two balanced comparable corpora of translated and native Chinese,namely the ZJU Corpus of Translational Chinese(ZCTC) and the Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese(LCMC).The results suggest that 1) in comparison with native Chinese,translational Chinese has a lower lexical density,particularly a lower ratio of lexical words v.function words;2) translated Chinese makes more frequent use of conjunctions,thus demonstrating a tendency for explicitation;and 3) the use of passives in Chinese translations is affected by English source texts,thus casting doubt upon the normalisation hypothesis.

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    On static equivalence in translating legal texts
    LI Kexing
    2010, 42 (1):  59-65. 
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    This paper explores translation strategies for legal texts.By extensively reviewing the prevailing strategies such as dynamic equivalence,foreignization and domestication,functionalism,semantic and communicative translations,the author has found that none of them are easily applicable in translating legal texts.Therefore,a totally new approach — static equivalence,has been developed to serve the purpose.The applicability of static equivalence is argued mainly from the perspectives of unique linguistic features and special functions of legal texts,namely,the static nature of legal language,informative nature of the translated versions,stereotyped writing style,rigidity of translation criteria and the restricted readership of legal documents.

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    The frame-semantic approach in translation studies: A critical review
    DENG Jing
    2010, 42 (1):  66-71. 
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    Based on a critical review of the frame-semantic approach in translation studies over the past two decades,the present article points out that it has not yet gained as much currency as other major theorizations of translation despite its marginal success in some areas.But given its unique theoretical standpoints and wide applicability in translation-related areas,it will realize its potentials for translation studies if some of its theoretical pitfalls are remedied.

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    J. Gavins: Text World Theory: An Introduction (2007)
    MA Juling
    2010, 42 (1):  72-74. 
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