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    20 March 2021, Volume 53 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    A comparative study on English and Mandarin causative constructions: From the perspective of Distributed Morphology
    YANG Daran
    2021, 53 (2):  163-176. 
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    This paper conducts a comparative study on the morpho-syntactic differences between English and Mandarin causative constructions based on the ideas of “Single Engine Hypothesis” and “Late Insertion” within Distributed Morphology. We argue that causative accomplishments in English and Mandarin have the same syntactic representation, but the two languages differ in the strength of V-feature of the functional head CAUSE and the insertion frames of the functional head PATH. These differences can account for the paucity of mono-morphemic causative verbs in Mandarin and why the action and change-of-state verbs in Mandarin resultative verb constructions are combined while their English counterparts are separated.
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    A study of the reduced construction with English complex sentences from the perspective of cognitive linguistics
    ZHONG Shuneng & YANG Liru
    2021, 53 (2):  177-187. 
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    Within the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics, this paper attempts to probe into the cognitive mechanism in the reduced constructions out of English complex sentences from the view of cognitive construal, windowing of attention and construction grammar. It is discovered that an English complex sentence and its corresponding reduced counterpart are two abstract schematic constructions with different meanings, i.e., two different grammar constructions. The reduced form is a combination of intentionality with a self-interest propensity and a fgure-ground alternation. In fact, the reduced entity is effort-consuming and converts itself into a marked structure. These findings are conductive to research in cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition and translation studies.
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    On the “point of view” of the utterances’ point of view
    TANG Shuhua
    2021, 53 (2):  188-200. 
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    “Point of view” is an important concept in many felds. Based on research by van Dijk (1977), Fowler (1996), Xiong (2001) and others, this paper fnds that the point of view is not just an angle of observers’ vision, but related to their psychology and cognition. The choice of an angle depends on their conceptual point of view, including their values, faith and attitudes. The conceptual point of view often takes the other three as its carriers, and determines their choices. Analyzing its in radeterminant mechanism in choosing the other three points of view helps to unveil the mystery in point of view selection.
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    The syntactic typing of alternative questions
    Juan Wang VILLAFLOR & XU Jie
    2021, 53 (2):  201-211. 
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    Cross-linguistically, the syntactic typing of the question force is achieved through two syntactic means, namely, the addition of an element and the T to C movement. The disjunction haishi (还是) in modern Chinese alternative questions (AQs) carries [+q] feature, which is not seen in other languages. In the syntactic computation process, the [+q] feature of haishi moves to C position in the CP domain after spell-out to satisfy its feature checking requirements, thus marking the clausal type of Chinese AQs. Feature movement is comparatively more economical and universal to languages and the [+q] feature of haishi makes Chinese AQs more economical in the clausal typing.
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    Individual differences and their affecting factors in the neuro-cognition of language and second language
    ZHANG Hui & JI Xiaoli
    2021, 53 (2):  212-223. 
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    This paper surveys how event-related potential (ERP) technique provides an important tool and experimental evidence for our understanding of individual differences in language and second language (SL) processings. The following areas concerned are prominent: 1) Most models of language processing are based on homogeneity which has been found wrong. 2) Systematic and stable individual differences exist universally in language and SL processings. 3) The drawback of traditional method of ERP data analysis is indicated and some new methods for analysis are proposed. 4) ERP investigations of individual differences discover that the left anterior negativity (LAN) occurs inconsistently in the literature and its causes may be due to individual differences. 5) Language and SL processings based upon ERP fnd that ERP responses from different subjects elicit either N400, or P600 or the combination of both, forming a continuum between N400 and P600. On the basis of the literature review, the paper points out some controversies and defciencies before proposing some future research directions.
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    Syntactic complexity in English writing by Chinese EFL learners at different levels
    GAO Xia
    2021, 53 (2):  224-237. 
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    Using TAASSC, three types of syntactic complexity indices were identified, tagged and calculated in free writings by Chinese EFL learners at different levels of China’s Standards of English Language Ability (CSE). Correlation and multi-step linear regression analyses were conducted to investigate the relationship between large-grained syntactic complexity, fne-grained clausal complexity and phrasal complexity indices and texts’ CSE bands. The results show that the combination of the three types of indices explains the largest variance of texts’ CSE bands. Fine-grained indices of clausal and phrasal complexity strengthen the explanatory power of largegrained indices by providing more detailed information about the texts. The importance of clausal complexity in indexing L2 writing is only minimal. These fndings serve as reference for similar future studies as well as second language acquisition, EFL teaching and testing.
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    EFL teachers’ classroom assessment literacy and practice — A text analysis of lesson plans in a national college English teaching contest
    GENG Feng & YU Shulin
    2021, 53 (2):  238-250. 
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    Informed by the sociocultural theoretical framework of teacher assessment literacy, this study examined how EFL teachers implemented classroom-based assessment using lesson plans from 56 teams in a National College English Teaching Contest and investigated the problems with the teacher assessment literacy shown in the lesson plans. Results indicate that EFL teachers could use their knowledge of language assessment in designing and implementing diversified activities to assess students’ learning outcome. The study also identifed several limitations such as underdeveloped assessment criteria, low validity, and limited application of assessment results in classroom teaching. This study concludes with implications for future development of teacher assessment literacy in EFL teaching.
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    The generative effectiveness of “ecological affordance” in language teaching and learning activity systems in technology-enriched environment
    QIN Lili, OUYANG Xibei & HE Yanhua
    2021, 53 (2):  251-262. 
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    Starting from the defnition of information technology, this study investigated its employment in College English teaching in a university by applying the concepts of obuchenie and perezhivanie proposed by Vygotsky (1994). Based on Activity Theory and Ecological Affordance Theory, the study adopted a historical narrative of personal English learning experiences to identify the problems in current College English teaching design. Finally some solutions were suggested hoping to provide an alternative to the related research.
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    The historical and cultural function of translation: Cognitive patterns and knowledge genealogy
    WANG Xiaolu
    2021, 53 (2):  263-272. 
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    Translation studies have long been focusing on the experience of word-for-word process from one language to another, including specific skills, appreciation of translated versions, biographical studies of translators as well as the history of translation. This paper holds that the value of translation lies in its prominent transformation of the intellectual history. Through the introduction of new knowledge, translation helps cause a rethinking of the fixed cognitive patterns and thus renews the knowledge genealogy. Therefore, translation has not only played a unique role in cultural history but also served as an inseparable part in academic history. By exemplifying cases in medieval Europe and modern Chinese culture, the author attempts to illuminate such functions of translation while emphasizing its knowledge construction from interdisciplinary perspectives, which constitutes the essential feature of translation at large.
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    To translate or not to translate: Early translation of Chinese myths by European missionaries (1575-1688)
    WANG Min
    2021, 53 (2):  273-283. 
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    Early European missionaries in the period of 1575-1688 held ambivalent attitudes towards the translation of Chinese myths. The question of “to translate or not to translate” beset them both consciously and unconsciously. The paper, as a prelude for studies on the translation history of Chinese myths, investigates the motivation and conditions around which early European missionaries might decide to do it or not. They include the Western tradition of mythical imagination on the East before the Age of Exploration and the interlacing mythical memories between China and the West, myth conception in Europe during Renaissance, and the prevalence of zhiguai tradition during Ming and Qing dynasties in China. However, the research finds that in spite of these conditions, the translation of classic works containing Chinese myths was not given conscious attention and lagged far behind in time compared with that of Confucian classics. By taking the profound theory of “Broad-sense Chinese Myths” developed by Ke Yuan (1982, 1988, 1996, 1998) as a foundation, the paper then redefines “Chinese mythic text in the field of translation”, sets the scope of research objects under discussion, and offers an overview analysis on the suject during this period.
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    A new probe into the Latin manuscript of Four Books collected by Michele Ruggieri S.I.
    LUO Ying
    2021, 53 (2):  284-295. 
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    A Latin manuscript from the early 16th century, which is conserved in the National Library Vittorio Emmanuel II of Rome with its editor’s signature Michele Ruggieri, is regarded as the earliest Latin translation of the Four Books discovered so far. Based on a preliminary study of its handwriting, its date of annotations, the signature of its editor and its different translating styles, this paper focuses on the Latin translation of the Confucian concepts in Daxue, Zhongyong and Lunyu. By comparing it with other officially published Latin translations of the Four Books composed by the Jesuits in China during the 17th-18th century, the paper analyses its characteristics, speculates about its real translator, and tries to present an original understanding of the Jesuits on Confucian works in spite of cross-cultural translation.
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    Dissemination and acceptance of Chinese literary classics under the Belt and Road Initiative
    GUO Yaohan & WANG Dongfeng
    2021, 53 (2):  296-307. 
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    This study looks into the dissemination and acceptance of Chinese literary classics. It has been noticed that the interviewees have certain knowledge of Chinese classics. They know better and enjoy more of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West in particular. They get to know them mainly through media like TV, newspapers, etc. They are from different age groups and different areas, and prefer various channels. An SPSS 25.0 analysis has found moderate positive correlation between knowledge of the Belt and Road Initiative and Chinese classics. Based on the study results, some suggestions have been put forward to promote the dissemination and acceptance of Chinese classics under the Belt and Road Initiative.
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